Exchange Project PL – D

Since 2004, when the first contract between the City of Jarocin (Greater Poland Voivodeship) and the City of Schlüchtern (State of Hesse) was concluded, a partnership between the Vocational High School (BG) of the Kinzig – Schule and Jarocin schools has existed, mainly with the ZSP nr 1. In 2005 Mr. Roman Nowicki (PL) and Mr. Richard Guth (D) started an exchange project with the aim to offer students of both schools the opportunity to get to know each other, to make friends and to become acqainted with the culture, the history, the politics and the mentality of both countries by offering workshops. Since 2011 the project has a new German project team with the members: Margarete Kolenda, Ben Elm and Björn Keilwerth. Richard Guth supports the project through the winning of participants, public relation and the representance of the project in the Förderverein Städtepartnerschaften (Support Association of City Partnerships). Up to now the „Polenprojekt“ has been established and has become an institution for students of both schools. For further information please have a look at the next sites: where you can find information on our partnership and the exchange activities including aims, structure, participants, perspectives, finances, press work and contact adresses in German as well as in Polish. 2020 the Polenprojekt celebrated his 15th aniversary. This site inform you about the first ten years (2005-2015).